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How to Write Screenplays with Artificial Intelligence

7 Ways to leverage the power of artificial intelligence to 3x your creative brainstorming!

How to Write Screenplays with AI

What happens when you ask artificial intelligence to write a movie idea or screenplay outline? In this video, I use Notion and ChatGTP to brainstorm loglines, create characters, and write plot synopses. Here’s a screenwriter’s take on ChatGPT & Artificial Intelligence. This video is also a guide for how screenwriters can use A.I. for brainstorming and even beat writer’s block:

Notion AI Assist

Before diving into ChatGPT, I decided to start with a tool I’m much more familiar with: Notion. I use Notion to organize my life, so when Notion announced alpha testing for its artificial intelligence feature, I had to give it a try. 

I was able to use Notion to:

  • Help Me Write a Logline

  • Continue Writing a Story

  • Brainstorm Plot Points

  • Outline a Script

Unfortunately, it’s only available on desktop, so I can’t use Notion’s AI Assist to write on my phone. Still, it’s a helpful tool. 

Now, onward to the newest AI tend: 


I was a bit skeptical about ChatGPT’s abilities, but after testing it, I think I’ll continue to use this tool in the future. You can use it like I did for:

  • Character Creation

  • Movie Ideas/Synopsis

  • Screenplay Outlines

Finally, I decided to take an idea from one AI and feed it to another. 

Notion AI + ChatGPT

I call this AI collaborative writing! As you can see in the video, it’s a bit of a process to feed ideas from one articificial intelligence to another, so I may not have them “co-write” in the future. Still, I’m glad I tried using Notion and Chat GPT for my screenwriting, and I hope you do too! 

Want more ways to beat writer’s block, especially ones that don’t involve bowing to our robot overlords? Grab my free set of worksheets