Edgar Allan Poe on Creativity - Screenwriting Advice

Originality for storytellers is always attainable, according to the master of macabre. Here’s why.

Creativity is the idol of many artists and storytellers. 

They crave originality like water, and are their own worst critics when what they imagined doesn’t come through on the page. 

I can relate, believe me.… 

One of the greatest storytellers, however, wasn’t afraid of running out of creative juices. Edgar Allan Poe approached originality as something to be hunted down rather than wished for. 

Here’s what he says:

Still, some days we don’t feel like Poe.

You won’t feel “inspired” all the time. I don’t, even with Poe’s advice.

That’s okay—it’s normal for every storyteller, no matter how experienced you are. Take courage, screenwriters: You are creative simply because you are human

Since each person is made in God’s likeness—and He is the ultimate Creator—we reflect that aspect of Him in our ability very being. 

Is is our nature to create. 

Poe was right: Originality is always in view.

Still Uninspired? Crush Writer’s Block: